Monday, 14 October 2013

Monday 14th October

After a long day at work I eventually got over the reservoir at just after 6pm, more for the exercise than the birding! There were a lot of gull in the roost a lot of the “bigs” and I picked out an obvious adult Yellow-legged Gull amongst the numerous Herring and Lessers.

I carried on round noticing that there were several Swans, there have only been around a maximum of four Mute Swan recently so I thought I might be in with a chance given the winds and the rain over the last couple of days. When I got closer I checked them out in the fading light, to my surprise the last two were both Whooper Swan. I hadn’t taken my phone, because it got soaked the other day and by the time I got home it was dark, so apologies to anyone who feels gripped off!

Apparently, there have also been three Rock Pipit seen today, plus Dave Hutton got some good shots of the Tern and it was an Arctic Tern. So I will amend my notes from yesterday then! Thanks Dave.

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