Monday, 7 April 2014

Early April

On Thursday Joy and I walked the Malvern ridge covering over 11 miles, it was quite hazy but we had a good day getting some exercise in for the start of what should be my last season of Munro walking with just 16 hills left to complete. Bird wise I had my first Willow Warbler and Swallow. But the highlight was undoubtedly a Red Kite over British Camp. Later I walked around the Reservoir seeing little apart from a single Swallow and around 50 Sand Martin.

A walk around on Friday 12 Sand Martin, there were also two singing Skylark. Chiffchaff and Blackcap are present in good numbers and I heard a single Willow Warbler.

On Saturday morning Joy an I took a walk around Middleton seeing LRP, Ringed Plover and an adult Med Gull and a fly over Raven. In the afternoon we walked around Shustoke and there were a few Sand Martin but little else.

On Sunday, I had nearly 200 Sand Martin late on but there was not a lot else on a miserable day. Adam Archer however, saw a Red Kite, this is the second sighting in a week.

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