Friday, 20 September 2019

Friday 20th September

Had a rather busy week, so birding has been at a premium, although today for a change I visited Middleton Lakes RSPB. There was little on the feeders although there was a carpet of Brown Rats under them.

It was rather quiet with a pair of Hobby, one adult and a jug feeding over the reserve. We were scanning Jubilee when all the birds went up, I scanned for something overhead, but nothing, then I picked a Raptor up headed south-east over the trees in the distance. I was surprised to see a Marsh Harrier, how it managed to spook everything from that distance came as a surprise. It was a cream-headed bird and it just continued on its way.

On the North Pit there was a good variety of wildfowl including a Pintail, in all honesty it was too warm for birding so after a three hour stint we headed home.

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