Tuesday 5 February 2008

Shustoke Terns.

Black Tern (juv).......Sept 06.
Terns can be found at Shustoke on passage during spring / autum. Five species have been recorded with Common Tern the most frequent as it breeds at nearby Kingsbury Water Park, and birds can be found most days hawking over the reservoir.

Arctic Terns are more regular in spring as they move northwards through the country, a passage of 140 birds was recorded on 4th May 2005.

Black Tern being the only marsh tern found at Shustoke, with small numbers passing through most years. Usually staying a few days before moving on, a total of 29 birds were seen together on 23rd Aug 1994.

Their have been only three records of Little Tern.




And just five records of Sandwich Tern.




17-09-02 (2 birds)


We are still waiting for the first record of Caspian and White Winged Black to appear.

(S Seal).

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